Water Collection & Features

What is rainwater harvesting and rain gardens?

Rainwater harvesting is a method for collecting and storing rainwater on-site for future use. Landscape irrigation accounts for 30-50 percent of total potable water used across many Texas communities (Texas A&M Agrilife Extension). Collecting and using rainwater is a way to preserve potable water for human consumption. Also, plants prefer rainwater to treated drinking water because rainwater it has a near neutral pH levels, and is free of salts and other minerals that can harm...


Getting started

The following information will help you be successful with active and passive water collection systems:

Active Systems



Active Systems - Maintenance of active systems involves ensuring the rainwater tank or catchment system is cleaned regularly and that the filtration system is working properly.

Passive Systems - Maintenance of passive systems is very similar to general garden maintenance. View the Grow Green guide on garden maintenance and a guide specific to “...


Using & teaching

Active Systems

See the University of Arizona, Catch the Rain site for downloadable lesson plans for active rainwater harvesting including rain tank calculations and demonstrations.

Passive Systems

See the Resources section of www.austintexas.gov/raingardens for links to lesson plans including an...
