Gorzycki Middle School
Gorzycki Middle School worked closely with the National Wildlife Federation to install a native habitat and nature trail. They identified native plants along the trail and partnered with the Boy Scouts to build an arbor and a formal outdoor classroom space. The nature trail offers students a rich learning environment for engaging with nature.
Keys to Success
- Commitment from Austin ISD and Gorzycki MS teachers to the success of the project
- Teachers surveyed the land and created a thorough plan and design
- Projects planned and completed by Boy Scouts
- Funding from grant writing
- Partnership with the National Wildlife Federation
- Sprinkler System for watering maintenance
- Integration of the habitat into the curriculum
- Teachers school wide use the habitat and classroom
- Removing Poison Ivy from the area
- Distance from the building
- Transporting supplies and materials
- Overuse necessitated a sign up for use of the area