Using and Teaching with Chickens

There are a number of benefits to keeping chickens on campus; one of them is the many things you and your students can learn! Below find a list of ideas for using chickens as a curricular resource.

  1. Hatching chicks is a great way to teach students first hand about the life cycle of a chicken. Learn more at or

  2. Raising and caring for chickens provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about where their food comes from and all that is involved in raising animals for food production. The US Poultry and Egg Association provides lessons and instructional resources on poultry processing and agricultural practices in the US. Learn more at

  3. Chickens are social creatures and can provide entertainment for students and community members. Consider inviting members of your community to observe the chickens while they’re on campus for a garden workday or school event.

Keeping chickens, of course, teaches responsibility, and offers many chances for writing and drawing projects - you’re only contained by the limits of your and your students’ imagination! Your chickens will bring you lots of joy and lots of learning for years to come.