Water Collection


Active Systems - Maintenance of active systems involves ensuring the rainwater tank or catchment system is cleaned regularly and that the filtration system is working properly.

Passive Systems - Maintenance of passive systems is very similar to general garden maintenance. View the Grow Green guide on garden maintenance and a guide specific to “green stormwater infrastructure" and follow these guidelines:

  • Water regularly until plants are established
  • Weed as needed
  • Limit fertilizing - it’s unnecessary for most native plants
  • If your rain garden is located near a gutter downspout or roof valley, consider adding rain barrels or cisterns so you will have an extra store of water to irrigate the rain garden plants during dry weather.
  • Observe the performance of your rain garden over time to make sure it functions as planned. If the water remains for longer than 2 days, gently break up any surface crust in the top 4”- 6“